Stable by Starlight - nativity cover art - scene of nativity, Mary and Joseph looking over baby Jesus in the manger, in starlit stable

Stable By Starlight

By Niki Davies

Ages 3-7

Duration 25 mins
Speaking Roles 30
Cast Size 20-80
Ideal Cast Size 50


Book & CD: Book includes full script, character list, curriculum-linked material, sheet music and lyrics. CD includes all songs recorded with children’s voices and full backing tracks.

Book & Digital Downloads: Book as above, with digital downloads that include MP3s of all of the songs and backing tracks, plus a PDF version of the full book. Where available, a complimentary pdf version of the abridged script is also included.

No Pack: If you have already purchased a product but didn't buy the licence at the time, choose No Pack under this menu, and the relevant licence/s in the Licences menu.


Performance Licence: You need a performance licence to perform our show to anyone other than pupils and staff. Our licences are simple - one price allows you to perform the show as many times as you like during a twelve month period.

Filming/Streaming Licence: If you plan to film your performance and manufacture DVDs for distribution, stream content on an internet site or on social media, you will also need to purchase this licence.


The EDITABLE VERSION of the script in WORD format is not available as a stand-alone purchase. However, it can be purchased alongside one of the Pack options when a performance or filming/streaming licence is also purchased. It is an additional item (script only, no music or production information) and is not a substitute for the main resource.

£ 26.95
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Product Details

Tucked quietly away behind the heaving inns and overcrowded houses of Bethlehem, a stable stands peacefully in the darkness. Its oxen snore gently. Its mice nibble leisurely. It is a night like any other.

But everything is about to change. A couple. A baby. Shepherds. Kings. Before they know it, the humble stable is bathed in starlight and alive with activity. Something very special is happening, and the animals are in the stalls with front-row tickets.

Niki Davies’ beautiful play is the perfectly pitched nativity for 3-7-year-olds and will charm children and adults alike with its delightful nativity script and seven unforgettable songs.

Alongside the physical book, the digital download pack comprises all the songs, backing tracks, lyric slides and full book as a pdf. A CD is also available as an alternative or addition to the download pack. For a little extra, the editable Word.doc of the full script can also be purchased when the musical and a performance licence are bought, making it easy to adapt and adjust as you need to.

With great flexibility in terms of speaking roles and number of characters, a Niki Davies nativity is always a wonderful choice if you are looking for brilliant school nativity plays.

NB - An individual performance licence (if a live audience from outside of the school is to be present) and/or a filming/streaming licence (if footage is to be shared) is required to stage this nativity. 

UK School Invoicing Available - email us at 

  • Overview
  • Songs
  • Synopsis
  • Sample Scripts & Character Info
  • Reviews


It is no wonder that children are so enchanted by the story of the birth of Jesus: He is born inside a barn, rather than a hospital. He has straw and hay to keep him warm, rather than a blanket. His companions are donkeys, sheep and oxen, with not a midwife or nurse to be seen. And to cap it all off, he is placed in a manger, a trough from which the animals eat. This is perfect story material for any child, allowing their imagination to whisk them away to Bethlehem and place them right there in the stable beside Mary and Joseph.

‘Stable By Starlight’ captures this beautifully, evoking a quiet, peaceful, secluded stable which is suddenly brought to life in the most unexpected of ways, and by an ever-growing number of people and animals. We hope that you and the young cast have a wonderful time telling this enchanting story.


The stable stands peacefully and still in the darkness, with just the quiet snoring of the mules and the nibbling of the mice to be heard. But outside, people are streaming into Bethlehem in droves, eager to find somewhere to stay ahead of the census (LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE). The inns are doing a roaring trade, with doors everywhere being knocked upon by the weary travellers (NO, NO, NO!). When Mary and Joseph arrive, even the very smallest rooms have all been taken. Luckily, though, one particular innkeeper remembers that he does have one more space with a roof – it just happens to be a stable! (OFF TO THE STABLE). He leads them there and a few hours later, as Bethlehem settles itself to sleep, baby Jesus is born.

On the hills outside the town, some shepherds awake to the extraordinary sight of a host of angels, telling them of the birth (GO TO BETHLEHEM). Further afield, three kings and their train of camels and servants are also on the move, though the star that guides them isn’t always as bright as they would like (WHERE’S THAT STAR?).

Back in Bethlehem, the peaceful little stable, tucked away in the darkness, is suddenly flooded by glorious light (STABLE BY STARLIGHT). As the star shines above, the shepherds with their sheep and the kings with their gifts enter the illuminated stable and marvel at the wonder of the baby in the hay (UNDER THE STARLIGHT).

Script Samples

Scene One

Scene Three

Character List/Speaking Parts

There are 30 speaking parts in Stable By Starlight. This number could easily be increased or reduced depending on your needs. The editable script, available for £9.95 when the performance licence is also purchased, will make this process very straightforward. There is also plenty of work for an ensemble to do. 

Narrator/s               Our storytellers, introducing and linking scenes, helping to paint our picture. Strong, clear voices a must. Have as many narrators as you see fit. 

Animals                    Mules, chickens and mice are all resident within the stable. They may not speak, but they are definitely aware that something special is happening.

Citizens                    These are the people who already lived in Bethlehem.

Visitors                    These are the people who arrived in Bethlehem to be counted during the census.

Innkeeper                Six lines for this famous character, though these could be shared with his wife.

Innkeeper’s wife     A quiet supporting role, though could be raised in profile through a few lines.

Travellers                 One line each for four travellers seeking rooms.

Mary and Joseph    One line each, but an important presence throughout.

Shepherds               There are speaking lines for eight shepherds.

Angels                      There are currently speaking lines for three angels, though this could be adapted to five.

Kings                        The three kings have 3-4 lines each, spread across two scenes.

Servants                  They might not speak, but they can certainly carry.

Camels                     As the kings bear gifts, so the camels bear the kings.

Star                          Could be a prop or a child, or numerous children. Non-speaking role.

Song Samples

Lots And Lots And Lots Of People
No, No, No
Off To The Stable
Go To Bethlehem
Where's That Star?
Stable By Starlight
Under The Starlight


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