Beep Beep Bethlehem

Beep Beep Bethlehem

Ages 4-8

Duration 30 mins
Speaking Roles 59
Cast Size 33-70+
Ideal Cast Size 59


Book & CD: Book includes full script, character list, curriculum-linked material, sheet music and lyrics. CD includes all songs recorded with children’s voices and full backing tracks.

Book & Digital Downloads: Book as above, with digital downloads that include MP3s of all of the songs and backing tracks, plus a PDF version of the full book. Where available, a complimentary pdf version of the abridged script is also included.

No Pack: If you have already purchased a product but didn't buy the licence at the time, choose No Pack under this menu, and the relevant licence/s in the Licences menu.


Performance Licence: You need a performance licence to perform our show to anyone other than pupils and staff. Our licences are simple - one price allows you to perform the show as many times as you like during a twelve month period.

Filming/Streaming Licence: If you plan to film your performance and manufacture DVDs for distribution, stream content on an internet site or on social media, you will also need to purchase this licence.


The EDITABLE VERSION of the script in WORD format is not available as a stand-alone purchase. However, it can be purchased alongside one of the Pack options when a performance or filming/streaming licence is also purchased. It is an additional item (script only, no music or production information) and is not a substitute for the main resource.

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Product Details

Scroll down to the tabs below to listen to song clips, read the synopsis and script samples, and to view character information.

The main road out of Nazareth is busy. Very busy. For Mary and Joseph, travelling to the little town of Bethlehem for the census, this means taking the smaller, bumpy, winding road through the hills. Will they get there safely? Will they get there before Mary’s baby is born? And how will the Three Kings fare? Or the shepherds? They want to see the baby too.

Niki Davies’ playful nativity is hugely engaging and accessible, complete with seven fantastic songs and a delightful script.

Alongside the physical book, the digital download pack comprises all the songs, backing tracks, lyric slides and full book as a pdf. A CD is also available as an alternative or addition to the download pack. For a little extra, the editable Word.doc of the full script can also be purchased when the musical and a performance licence are bought, making it easy to adapt and adjust as you need to.

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  • Overview
  • Songs
  • Synopsis
  • Sample Scripts & Character Info
  • Reviews


There’s a donkey jam on the main road from Nazareth, so how will Mary and Joseph get to Bethlehem? Their only choice is to take the little back road: a very long, lumpy, bumpy, bendy, hilly road. Will they get to Bethlehem on time? And will the kings catch up with the Bethlehem Star who is now also on the B road? Meanwhile, the donkeys on the main road are very fed up indeed. They’ve heard that a special baby is going to be born in Bethlehem, but will they get to see him if they’re stuck in the jam? After much excitement, disgruntlement and humour, all’s well that ends well: everybody, including the donkeys, make
it to Bethlehem in time to see the wonderful new baby boy


Everyone from Nazareth is trying to get to Bethlehem, but there’s a donkey jam on the main road (DONKEY JAM). Mary, Joseph and a few villagers decide to take the little B road instead. Much later, the Bethlehem Star also diverts to the B road, followed closely by the kings who need the star to guide them to the baby Jesus (WAIT FOR US). The donkeys learn that a special baby is going to be born.

The B road is a long, bumpy and difficult road, so travel is very slow. Everyone is tired and fed up, and they all have extremely achy feet (ACHY FEET)!

When Mary and Joseph finally get to Bethlehem, they find that all the inns are full. However, when a kind innkeeper offers them his stable, they gladly accept. Sometime afterwards, on the hills outside Bethlehem, some shepherds are very surprised to see angels arriving with a message – that Jesus the Son of God is born in Bethlehem Town. They go as fast as they can, but when they get to the main road, they too are met with the donkey jam and also have to take the little B road instead (DOWN THE ROCKY ROAD).

Back on the main road, the donkeys are getting very grumpy indeed. They want to see the baby too, but there they are, stuck in their own donkey jam (GRUMPY DONKEYS)!

The shepherds reach the stable and so, finally, do the kings and the angels, and there they pay homage to the baby boy (WE HAVE FOUND YOU HERE).

Just as the donkeys are starting to give up hope, they and the main group of villagers all reach Bethlehem in time to see the baby Jesus. Everyone joins together in a song of joy to celebrate the birth (FULL OF JOY).

Script Samples

Sample Script - Beep Beep Bethlehem



There are 52 individual speaking parts. All of the lines are only a few words long.

There are also 6 narrators and an announcer. The lines of the narrators could be spoken by an adult/adults, or by children, whichever is preferred. The lines could be divided between more narrators if desired, or compressed for fewer.



Number of Lines


Number of Lines

Villagers 1-12

1 line each

Donkeys 1-12

1 line each + 7 mostly repeated joint lines

Shepherd 1






Attendant 1




Attendant 2




Mary’s Donkey




Innkeepers 1-4

1 line each

Bethlehem Star


Shepherds 2-8

1 line each

Camels 1-3

1 line each

Angels 1-4

1 line each


Song Samples

Donkey Jam
Wait For Us
Achy Feet
Down The Rocky Road
Grumpy Donkeys
We Have Found You Here
Full Of Joy


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