School’s Back From Summer

We’ve all had it. That sinking feeling as the summer holidays draw to a close and the thought of going back to school edges its way into your mind, taking up more space each day until the morning finally comes and you traipse off, wondering where the time has gone and willing half term to arrive quickly.
And that’s just the teachers.
The children may indeed feel like this too. But they are also likely to be excited. Or nervous. Or determined. Or uneasy. For young children, and quite possibly for older children too, questions will abound: will I make new friends, where will I sit, what will my teacher be like, what group will I be in, what are we going to learn about, do I have the right kit?
The start of a new school year offers a myriad of challenges for children. Some will find it easy, others will find it harder than we will ever know. The difficult task for teachers is to ensure that each and every child in their care – and we know how high that number can sometimes get – is treated as an individual, with their own set of anxieties, their own strengths, their own weaknesses, their own personality.
With so much on their plate, so much preparation to undertake and planning to do, even the most organised and experienced of teachers will be spinning plates left, right and centre in the first few days, and quite possibly for weeks to come.
For all of these reasons, and for many, many more, we invite you to take a look at “You, Me & PSHE”, a wonderful assembly resource that, for teachers, will save a lot of time and a lot of hassle, and, for children, will inspire, engage and enlighten. With 15 complete assemblies that need minimum preparation and few resources, alongside 15 fantastic songs that the children will adore singing, “You, Me & PSHE” covers themes such as PSHE, building friendships, trying our hardest, celebrating diversity and taking pride (and part) in our school community.
“Excellent assemblies which are relevant, hugely engaging and very easy to deliver.” – Ian Thorpe, Headteacher, Downsend School, Leatherhead
“A really useful resource. Simple, content-rich assemblies, and lovely songs.” – David Jackson, Headteacher, The Abbey School, Farnham
Visit our Assembly Songbook page to see example assemblies and listen to song clips.