Higgledy Piggledy Nativity - nativity cover art showing animals rushing round completing activities for the nativity
  • Higgledy Piggledy Nativity - nativity cover art showing animals rushing round completing activities for the nativity
  • Higgledy Piggledy Nativity

Higgledy Piggledy Nativity

By Niki Davies

Ages 3-7

Duration 25 mins
Speaking Roles 28
Cast Size 20-80
Ideal Cast Size 50


Book & CD: Book includes full script, character list, curriculum-linked material, sheet music and lyrics. CD includes all songs recorded with children’s voices and full backing tracks.

Book & Digital Downloads: Book as above, with digital downloads that include MP3s of all of the songs and backing tracks, plus a PDF version of the full book. Where available, a complimentary pdf version of the abridged script is also included.

No Pack: If you have already purchased a product but didn't buy the licence at the time, choose No Pack under this menu, and the relevant licence/s in the Licences menu.

  • Book & Digital Downloads
  • Book & CD
  • Book, CD & Digital Downloads Add: £7.95
  • No Pack


Performance Licence: You need a performance licence to perform our show to anyone other than pupils and staff. Our licences are simple - one price allows you to perform the show as many times as you like during a twelve month period.

Filming/Streaming Licence: If you plan to film your performance and manufacture DVDs for distribution, stream content on an internet site or on social media, you will also need to purchase this licence.

  • No Licence
  • Performance Licence Add: £26.00
  • Performance & Filming/Streaming Licence Add: £52.00
  • Filming/Streaming Licence


The EDITABLE VERSION of the script in WORD format is not available as a stand-alone purchase. However, it can be purchased alongside one of the Pack options when a performance or filming/streaming licence is also purchased. It is an additional item (script only, no music or production information) and is not a substitute for the main resource.

  • No Extras
  • 5 Rehearsal CDs Add: £25.00
  • Editable Script
  • 5 Rehearsal CDs & Editable Script
£ 26.95
In stock. Dispatched within 24 hours

Product Details

Squeeze into the stable in Bethlehem as oxen, sheep, mice, chickens, turkeys and goats try to settle down for a quiet night’s sleep. But when news of imminent arrivals comes to their attention, a quick tidy up is needed if the stable is to be presentable for their visitors.

And what special visitors they are, as the animals learn when Mary and Joseph arrive, closely followed by baby Jesus. Then there are shepherds and kings to consider too. All in all, it’s a higgledy-piggledy stable, but one where a warm welcome is guaranteed.

Niki Davies’ charming nativity will delight young performers with its colourful array of characters, seven lovely songs and an accessible script – an ideal nativity for ages 3-7!

Alongside the physical book, the digital download pack comprises all the songs, backing tracks, lyric slides and full book as a pdf. A CD is also available as an alternative or addition to the download pack. For a little extra, the editable Word.doc of the full script can also be purchased when the musical and a performance licence are bought, making it easy to adapt and adjust as you need to.

NB - An individual performance licence (if a live audience from outside of the school is to be present) and/or a filming/streaming licence (if footage is to be shared) is required to stage this nativity. 

UK School Invoicing Available - email us at info@theschoolmusicalscompany.com

  • Overview
  • Songs
  • Synopsis
  • Sample Scripts & Character Info
  • Reviews


In “Higgledy Piggledy Nativity”, the stable is cluttered, disorganised and full to bursting with animals of varying shapes and sizes. With the imminent arrival of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, some serious tidying up is needed. However, the crammed, disorderly conditions become the last thing on everyone’s minds as they bear witness to one of the greatest moments in all of history. Suddenly nothing else matters as, in an instant, the world is changed forever. It makes for a wonderful story, and one which we hope you and the young cast have a great time telling. 


The nativity begins with a song from the whole cast (WELCOME TO OUR NATIVITY).

Action quickly moves to the stable and its many residents: George the donkey, Henry the mule, Polly and Molly the sheep, Sidney the cow, Nellie the horse, chickens, turkeys, mice, goats. It is certainly full, and things are getting very higgledy-piggledy indeed! With water buckets, shovels and straw everywhere, the animals are struggling to find a space to sleep (HIGGLEDY PIGGLEDY STABLE).

Moments later, Cooper the cat arrives from the nearby inn with news that a baby is going to be born tonight … in their stable! Forgetting to ask Cooper how he could possibly know this, the animals get themselves into a right tizzy. But, once their panic subsides, they set about making room for the baby. 

When Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem, they cannot find anywhere to stay (THERE’S NO ROOM). Luckily for them, a thoughtful innkeeper and his wife offer their stable, chaotic as it is. 

To the east, three kings are riding on their camels towards Bethlehem (DID YOU SEE THE KINGS?). On the hills just outside of Bethlehem, some shepherds are shocked to receive news from some angels that a very special baby has been born in the stable (WE ARE ANGELS FROM HEAVEN).

Back in the stable, the animals are still trying to find a place for Jesus to be lain. Suddenly, George has a good idea and suggests the animals’ manger. Mary places Jesus in the manger and he falls fast asleep (SLEEP LITTLE BABY, SLEEP).

As first the shepherds and then the kings arrive – with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh – the stable is now  full as can be. But nobody minds: they all know that they have witnessed something remarkable and can’t wait to spread their news (COME TO BETHLEHEM TOWN).

Script Samples

Sample Script - Scene One

Sample Script - Scene Six


Character List 

There are 25 speaking parts within the nativity as well as group speaking for everyone

NB – Many of the lines are only 2-3 words long.


Number of Lines


Number of Lines

Cooper the Cat




George the Donkey


Innkeeper 3


Henry the Mule


Innkeeper 3’s Wife


Polly & Molly the Sheep

2 (together)

Innkeeper 1


Sidney the Cow


Innkeeper 2


Nellie the Horse


Shepherd 1


Cluck & Eggie the Chickens

2 (together)

Shepherd 2


Gobble the Turkey


Shepherd 3


Gordon the Goat




Bubble, Squeak the Mice Family

1 (together)










6 (all together)

Song Samples

Welcome To Our Nativity
Come To Bethlehem
There's No Room
Higgledy Piggledy Stable
Sleep Little Baby, Sleep
We Are Angels From Heaven
Did You See The Kings


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